Gigant offers work chairs for all industrial needs and environments. Our wide range includes everything from Creeper seats and stand-up chairs to stainless steel models and cleanroom chairs. Whether you work in heavy industrial environments, clean production spaces or need flexible solutions for varying work postures, we have the chairs that combine ergonomics, quality and function. Create a comfortable and healthy working environment with the right chair from Gigant - for increased efficiency and well-being in the workplace.

Industrial Chairs

work chairs for production and industrial environments where quality and ergonomics go hand in hand. 

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Saddle chairs

Saddle chair that provides a relaxed posture and straight back. The seat height is easily adjusted using a gas cylinder and the seat angle can be adjusted.

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Office chairs

Choose between stepless locking or having the chair in an open position. Whichever position you choose, you maintain an upright posture with maximum support.

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ESD and Cleanroom chairs

Chairs in ESD design for effective dissipation of static electricity. Dissipation takes place via the back, seat, gas struts and foot crosses down to the wheels and out into the floor.

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Surveillance and operator chairs

A guard chair is especially suited for environments where heavy wear and tear occurs, such as workplaces with round-the-clock operations.

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Standing chairs

High-quality, ergonomic standing chairs with stepless seat height adjustment using a gas spring.

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Stool with seats in different designs and stepless height adjustment. The chairs can be fitted with a backrest tray.

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Creeper seats

A range of Creeper seats with PU foam seat. The seats have a stepless seat height adjustment with gas spring and are available in three different heights.

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creeper board

The recliner is a perfect aid when working inside the car cabin. Cushion in heavy artificial leather over 30 mm cold foam. The underside is covered with rubber that protects the paint.

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Creeper boards

An adjustable Creeper boards in a very stable construction. The lying boards are provided with headrests.

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Welding stool

Flexible welding stool for three different seating heights. The three seating surfaces are covered with surface-treated plywood. The stool can be used standing, lying or upright.

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Gigant offers a wide range of work chairs for different work environments, including Industrial Chairs, Saddle chairs, Office chairs, as well as specialized ESD and cleanroom chairs.


For more specific needs, the range includes Creeper seats, Creeper boards and Welding stool for increased comfort and support during specialized tasks.